Dragan Nikolic

Communicate Great Call to Action Strategy

Every job includes some form of communication between people. Many SEOs don’t like interaction very much and sometimes bury themselves under piles of charts, estimates and reports trying to get the numbers to talk to them and oftentimes talk for them.

But, in order to get the most of what you do, you need a good feedback from somebody who’s more alive… your clients for example. You need to get familiar with what they do, how and why they do it and what they expect out of their online investment.

Everything in life has a purpose. Websites are no different. Their purpose is to make conversions through “calls-to-action”.

You, as an SEO, have to determine what that is based on your client’s feedback and create a call to action strategy that will transcend it to the website.

Let’s look at some of the most common problems and solutions for creating a great call to action strategy.

1. Client who does not know what the purpose of the website is

This results in unclear calls-to-action throughout the website. Visitors are confused and don’t know where to go or what to click which results in scattered focus and high bounce rates.

Solution: Before starting with some serious SEO work be sure to learn everything you can about your client’s business, such as USP (unique selling points), key features, goals and expectations.

If you don’t have an SEO form you ask your clients to fill in, you can find one by searching for SEO questionnaires.

2. Lack of editing efforts leads to non-focused Calls-to-Action

Websites and Content Management Systems in particular, give people feeling of being in control and ease for bloating websites with content.

Solution: Not everyone can afford an editor. Have companies double check with you if they want to put some new content and have them understand this is necessary if they want long lasting results. It’s not exactly a copywriting service, but as long as you charge something for it you’re OK.

3. Bad communication between a client and an SEO (team)

This is a major problem for me. Although I always try my best, oftentimes I get a response like this ~

We’ve given you access to our every account. What else do you want from us?
~Nervous Client

Solution: Ask in advance for one dedicated person within the company you work for to be your liaison. He or she has to be asigned to you if they want results. Have them completely understand you mean business.

4. Unclosed circle of Calls-to-Action

It means that somewhere there’s a webpage where visitors just don’t know what to do next and usually leave at that point.

Solution: Have call-to-action on every page, whether in sidebars or in main content. Different pages can have a different call-to-action. Get involved with your client’s intentions.

Great achievements are result of great communication.

Whether you’re doing link-building, on- or off-page SEO or conversion rate optimization with call to action strategy in its core, you must understand why and what you’re doing and this is possible only through good communication with your colleagues and clients.

You have other ideas on how to start a great call to action strategy through great communication? If so, feel free to share it with me.